A comparison to bria 2.5, A.1 summary – CounterPath Bria 3.0 Configuration Guide – Retail Deployments User Manual

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CounterPath Corporation


A Comparison to Bria 2.5

A.1 Summary

Following is a summary of major differences in settings between Bria 2.5 and Bria 3.0.

New Settings

Feature enabling per account. The setting proxies:proxyn:enabled_features let you enable features on a
specific account, in order to match your internal business rules or network setup.

Workgroup. The setting proxies:proxyn:allow_dialog_subscriptions lets you control whether other users in
a workgroup will be able to monitor the local user's call activity.

Directory using Active Directory. Bria now supports connecting to an external directory using Active
Directory as well as LDAP. A new group of settings have been added, feature:adsi:. The
setting names are sometimes identical to the LDAP settings names, but sometimes there are small
differences, such as dispNameKey (LDAP) versus dispName_Key (Active Directory), so be careful. See
the settings reference documentation for the complete list of settings.

Resource lists. Some settings that were previously shared by WebDAV and XCap are now split into
separate settings.

RTP inactivity timers. The Preferences > Advanced panel now includes the RTP timers. The descriptions
for these settings have been improved.

For other new settings, see the detailed list below.

Differences in Configuration of Features

Advertisement: the URL for the advertisement panel cannot be provisioned; it must be included in your
brand at build time.

Alerts: the setting ui:general:call_immediately_on_selection has moved to

Anonymous calling method: proxies:proxyn:anonymous_calling_method is not supported. Anonymous
calling is always supported via a SIP message.

Call security (call encryption): There are fewer options. Read the revised information for the setting .

Diagnostics: diagnostics is controlled by different settings, which should always be manipulated by the user
through Help > Troubleshooting.

DTMF: DTMF via INFO is no longer supported. Read the revised information for the setting

MWI indicator: the setting feature:availability:show_mwi_always is not supported. The MWI icon always

Resources - Global Contact List: the key setting storage:contact_list_storage:resource_list_method has a
new option "outlook" to support integration with Microsoft® Outlook®. See the settings in the topic
"Resources - Global Contact List" in the settings reference document.

Resources - Individual Accounts: privacy lists are not supported in Bria 3.0, therefore the setting
proxies:proxyn:privacy_server_filename is not applicable.

Ringer volume: the ringer volume cannot be configured.

UI domain: none of the settings in the "ui" domain are supported except for those that are exposed on the
Preferences panel.