14 network, Network, Firewall traversal – CounterPath Bria 3.0 Configuration Guide – Retail Deployments User Manual

Page 21: Sip signaling, Rtp session

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Bria 3 Configuration Guide – Retail Deployments


2.14 Network

This group covers settings in several subtopics, all relating to SIP accounts (not XMPP accounts). Make sure
you set them for each of your SIP accounts. For your XMPP accounts, the settings are simply ignored.

Firewall Traversal

You must configure the firewall traversal solution for each account. Set
proxies:proxyn:firewall_traversal_mode for one of these:

Auto detect using ICE: Automatically determine the contact address for signaling traffic.

Advertise the local IP, public IP (discovered via STUN, if available), and media relay IP (discovered via
TURN, if available), and use these to automatically determine the best route for media traffic during calls.

Discover public IP address: Advertise the public IP address (discovered via STUN) for the contact address
for signaling traffic, and for the connection address for media traffic.

Use media relay (TURN): Advertise the public IP address (discovered via STUN) for the contact address
for signaling traffic.

Advertise the address of a media relay server (discovered via TURN) for the connection address for media

None: Advertise the local IP address only for both signaling and media traffic.

Then complete the remaining proxies:proxyn:firewall_xx settings as required.

Other settings in this network group let you configure Bria for firewall traversal. This group can be divided into
several groupings:

Keep alive: Settings to configure how keep-alive messages work.

Port: Settings to configure the listening port. In the Settings reference documentation, start with the setting

SIP: One setting for rport usage.

SIP Signaling

This group of settings let you configure how Bria handles SIP signaling.

RTP Session

This group of settings let you configure how RTP session activity will be managed.


This group of settings let you configure timing for DNS query requests, and lets you optionally specify a
primary and secondary DNS server to use.


This group of settings lets you configure how SDP session activity will be managed.