20 voicemail: “send to voicemail, 21 workgroup, Voicemail: “send to voicemail” workgroup – CounterPath Bria 3.0 Configuration Guide – Retail Deployments User Manual

Page 24

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CounterPath Corporation


2.20 Voicemail: “Send to Voicemail”

You can configure Bria to automatically send unanswered phone calls to voicemail. (Other call handling
features are described in “MWI Notification” on page 16).

There are two ways to send to voicemail, using a 486 SIP response or using a 302 SIP response.

To configure for “send to voicemail”, set these settings in proxies:proxyn:

Note that there are some drawbacks to enabling client-side send-to-voicemail. Firstly, the Bria client will
probably not handle redirects as well as your voicemail server. For example, in Bria voicemail, if Bob forwards
to Alice and Alice does not answer, the next forward will be to Alice’s voicemail; the call will not be directed
back to Bob’s voicemail.

Secondly, the Bria configuration may conflict with the corresponding settings on your voicemail server.

Forwarding Calls

The “forward_” settings are typically set at runtime by the user, not through remote provisioning.

2.21 Workgroup

You can configure Bria to display information about users in a workgroup. Workgroup functionality is
implemented through support of dialog events (RFC 4235) and through subscription to a “resource list server”
in accordance with RFC 4662. The full RFC 4662 format is followed, which means that for any given
monitored extension, Bria reveals each separate appearance of that extension and its activity.

You must configure for workgroups as follows:

On your SIP server, create users.

On your SIP server, create workgroups and add users to the desired workgroups.

In Bria, set proxies:proxyn:workgroup_subscription_AOR to the URL where the client can subscribe to the
workgroup. Set this setting only in the default account.

In Bria, set proxies:proxyn:allow_dialog_subscription to allow or prohibit users in a workgroup monitoring
each others’ calls.

When the user chooses to view workgroup and if the workgroup_subscription_AOR for any given proxy
(account) specifies a URL, then Bria immediately registers with the SIP registrar and if the
workgroup_subscription_AOR for any given proxy (account) specifies a URL, then Bria automatically
subscribes to the workgroup. If the subscription succeeds, the user will be able to display the Workgroup
window on the softphone.

Option for “Send to

forward_no_answer forward_no_answer_uri






Using 486




Using 302


The phone number for sending
to voicemail

As desired