25 voicemail - send to voicemail, 26 web browser configuration, 25 voicemail – send to voicemail – CounterPath Bria 3.1 Configuration Guide - OEM Deployments User Manual
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CounterPath Corporation
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2.25 Voicemail – Send to Voicemail
You can configure Bria to automatically send unanswered phone calls to voicemail. (Other call handling
features are described in “Voicemail – MWI Notification” on page 19).
There are two ways to send to voicemail, using a 486 SIP response or using a 302 SIP response.
To configure for “send to voicemail”, set these settings in proxies:proxyn:
Note that there are some drawbacks to enabling client-side send-to-voicemail. Firstly, the Bria client will
probably not handle redirects as well as your voicemail server. For example, in Bria voicemail, if Bob forwards
to Alice and Alice does not answer, the next forward will be to Alice’s voicemail; the call will not be directed
back to Bob’s voicemail.
Secondly, the Bria configuration may conflict with the corresponding settings on your voicemail server.
Forwarding Calls
The “forward_always_
through remote provisioning.
2.26 Web Browser Configuration
You can add up to three web pages. Each page will appear in a tab in the Resources panel alongside Contacts,
History and so on.
Option for “Send to
forward_no_answer forward_no_answer_uri
Using 486
Using 302
The phone number for sending
to voicemail
As desired