Pattern – CounterPath Bria 3.1 Configuration Guide - OEM Deployments User Manual
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Bria 3 Configuration Guide – OEM Deployments
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The content for a pattern follows the digit map rules of RFC 2705, supplemented by the rules for regular
expressions. Where there is an overlap between the digit map and regular expression rules, the digit map rules
apply. For this reason, there are some special cases, included in the table below.
The following table describes the most common elements. As mentioned, all regular expression elements are
There are two timers, the T timer and the long timer. These timers are used in input comparison, as described in
“How the Input Is Processed” on page 10.
Both timers can be configured via the Bria settings:
Some elements use the back slash \ character. If you are defining pattern a via remote provisioning (that is, in an
HTTP response), you must enter two backslashes, because the Bria provisioning software interprets one
backslash as an escape key.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Literals
Literal digits, used as is.
# * a to z
Literal characters, used as is. Special cases:
• The literal x character is represented by \x.
• The literal t character is represented by \t.
Digit map rules
Wildcard for any single digit, 0 to 9.
Regular expression
Wildcard for any single alphanumeric character.
Regular expression
A digit within the specified range.
Regular expression
A character within the specified range.
[digit1, digit2,
Regular expression
One of the characters in the collection.
Digit map rules
Repeat the last element 0 or more times. Use of this element results in a pattern with
“minimum requirements”. For example, xxxx. means repeat the last x 0 or more
times, which means this pattern matches three or more digits (not four or more digits)!
Use of this element results in a pattern with “minimum requirements”.
Digit map rules
A timeout period will take place before automatic dialing starts.
The typical timer value is 4 seconds, but a different value can be set in the setting
The T timer forces Bria to wait after a match is made. This timer should always be
included in the following situations:
• Any pattern that uses the . (dot). For example, if the pattern is xxxx. then adding a
timer allows the user to type three or more digits. If there is no timer, then Bria
makes the match as soon as the user types three digits.
• Any dial plan that has two patterns that are similar in elements but different in
length. For example, if one pattern is xxx and the other pattern is xxxxxxx, then
adding the timer allows the user to continue typing past three digits, in order to get
a match on the second pattern.
In this situation, the T timer should be included in the shorter pattern.