chiliGREEN M400A User Manual

Page 29

background image

System Map: Top View with LCD Panel Open 1 - 9

Quick Start Guide


Function Keys

To use the function keys, press and hold the Fn key, then press the appropriate function key (Esc - F10 etc.).

Table 1 - 5 - Function & Hot Keys






Function Key

Fn + F8

Decrease LCD Brightness

Fn + Esc

Sleep Toggle

Fn + F9

Increase LCD Brightness

Fn + F3

Mute Toggle

Fn + F10

SRS WOW Toggle (Factory Option)

Fn + F5

Decrease Audio Volume

Fn + NumLk

Number Lock Toggle

Fn + F6

Increase Audio Volume

Fn + ScrLk

Scroll Lock Toggle

Fn + F7

Display Toggle

Special Characters

Some software applications allow the number-keys to be used with Alt to produce special characters. These special char-
acters can only be produced by using the numeric keypad. Regular number keys (in the upper row of the keyboard) will
not work. Make sure that Num Lk is on.