CHAMPION DH5000T Single Source Gas Installation Statement User Manual
Installation statement

for Model DH5000 and DH5000T Hood-type Dishwashers with a Direct Vent Option
or a Condensate Removal Option
Installation Statement
Although local codes for dishwasher hood systems may vary from one municipality or state to another most
are derived from the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA Code 96 or the International Mechanical
Code. Section 507.2.2 of the International Mechanical Code, (2009) states, “Type II hoods shall be
installed above dishwashers and light duty appliances that produce heat or moisture and do not produce
grease or smoke, except where the heat and moisture from such appliances are incorporated into the HVAC
system design or into the design of a separate removal system”.
The requirement does not distinguish between machine type, heat type or operational temperature.
Installation Codes
Code Compliance
A code official having jurisdiction may ask the HVAC contractor to demonstrate that the heating and air
conditioning system for a new or existing installation will accommodate the heat and moisture produced by
a Genesis DH5000 and DH5000T utilizing the Direct Vent or Condensate Removal option. The information
contained in this document explains the DH5000 and DH5000T operation to assist the code official & the
HVAC contractor.
(continued on reverse side)
Form No. 115042_D
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to get approval for my installation?
A code inspector may need to approve the installation before the dishwasher is installed to
ensure that all local codes and regulations have been followed. Contact your local building
inspector for details on the applicable codes, regulations, and inspection procedures.
What types of information might I need for approval?
A code inspector may request a report from an HVAC contractor showing that the building
design will handle the heat output of the DH5000 or DH5000T equipped with the condensate
removal option. Table 1 below provides the latent and sensible heat output information that the
contractor needs to make its report.
A code inspector may also request information about the dishwasher. You can obtain
DH5000 or DH5000T specification sheets at:
You may also call USA Champion Sales Dept. at: 1-800 532-8591, M-F 8-5 EST, or Canada
Champion Sales Dept. at: 1-800 263-5798, M-F 8:30-4:30. In addition, you may call the
Champion National Service Dept.: IN USA: 1-800-858-4477 IN CANADA: 1-800 263-5798
What are the plumbing requirements for the condensate removal option?
The condensate removal option requires a cold water supply that provides a minimum
flowing pressure of 45 PSI at the dishwasher before adjusting the flowing pressure on the
machine to 20-22PSI. The cold water supply temperature must be between 55-75°F/13-34°C
for proper operation.
Tabel 1: Latent and Sensible Heat Output
Condensate Removal
Direct Vent