Step 10, Step 9 – Anchor EVENT AND VENUE LINER User Manual

Page 7

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Step 10

Snap kedared buckle to gable ends and adjust to create desired look at gable end slope.
Note: If liner appears loose after all kedared buckles are adjusted, pull-up ropes may require readjustment.

Gathered Liner Shown

Step 9

Before assembling rafters to frame,
kedared buckles must be inserted into the
bottom channel of the rafters. Examine the
gabled end liner that fi ts to the particular
rafter. Count the number of female side-re-
lease buckles on the slopes of that gable end
and insert the correct number of matching
kedared buckles into each bottom channel of
the corresponding rafter.

Kedared buckle


Male side release

Kedared buckles inserted
into bottom channel of rafter
at gable end awaiting gable
end liner for connection.


Gable end
eave beam


Snap buckles together and
tighten strap until liner has
the proper shape.
Do not over-tighten straps.


Figure 9a

Figure 9b

Figure 9c