Allen&Heath XONE 4D User Manual
Page 37

Allen & Heath
XONE:4D User Guide
The LFO Editor allows real-time manipulation of the LFO waveform using
the linear faders on the left and right MIDI pods of the Xone:4D. The LFO
tempo can be set using the LFO Tap Tempo button or by synchronising the
LFO tempo to the displayed BPM (see page 36).
Enter LFO Edit Mode
To enter LFO Edit Mode, hold down the LFO Tap Tempo button until the
LFO speed is displayed on the BPM screen and then press the MIDI Start/
Stop button. The BPM screen will now display “L.F.O.” to indicate that the
surface is in LFO Edit Mode and the eight MIDI faders can be used to ‘draw’
the LFO waveform. All other MIDI controls will send their respective MIDI
messages while the surface is in LFO Edit Mode.
Exit LFO Edit Mode
To exit LFO Edit Mode, press the MIDI start/stop button and the BPM dis-
play will show the current tapped or analysed BPM.
Resetting the LFO Waveform
To reset the LFO to its default (triangular) waveform, hold down the LFO
Tap Tempo button until the LFO speed is displayed in the BPM window,
then hold down the Start/Stop button until R.S.T. appears in the BPM win-