Allen&Heath XONE 4D User Manual
Page 35
Allen & Heath
XONE:4D User Guide
BPM Tap Tempo Button
This control is used to tap in a beat manually
at any speed between 70 and 400 BPM. The
taps are averaged, so the greater number of
taps the more accurate the result.
The tap button can also be used as a guide
for the auto beat detector on complex
rhythms by helping the analyser lock onto
the correct pattern, for instance drum ‘n
bass tracks can occasionally be displayed at
half the actual BPM. By tapping in the
approximate beat the analyser will re-sync to
the correct tempo.
Pressing and holding the tap tempo button
shifts the BPM display one place to the left
so that the decimal can be shown.
When the BPM is being speeded up or down
using the push/pull lever, pressing the tap
button will store the currently displayed
The light ring associated with this control
will flash in time with the current BPM
speed, usually along with the kick drum,
though occasionally the detector will
synchronize to other rhythmic elements of a
track such as a hi-hat line. This will not
affect its accuracy. Tapping a few beats in
manually will force the detector to re-sync
to the beat.
Auto BPM Audio Source Switch
This selects the audio source for the auto
beat detection circuit.
If MIX is selected, all music played through
the main outputs of the Xone:4D will be
analysed. This can be used to ensure that a
mix compilation or DJ set is held at a strict
Select FX2 if you are using auto BPM
detection to synchronize a remote
sequencer to an audio source played through
the Xone:4D, and are returning the audio
output from the sequencer back into the
mix. Ensure that all FX2 level pots are
turned fully off except on the channel playing
the track that you wish to synchronise to. If
more than one channel at a time is routed to
the FX2 mix buss it may confuse the BPM
detector and result in an incorrect reading.
Switch to the OFF position if you want to
enter the BPM manually and do not want any
audio source to influence the tempo.