AirLive N.Plug User Manual
Page 19

3. Installation
AirLive N.Plug User’s Manual
Configure one N.Plug as Repeater without WPS
1. Set N.Plug in “Repeater mode” by using the hardware switch at the top of N.Plug.
2. Plug-in N.Plug at the electrical outlet and wait about 2 minutes for devices to complete
boot up.
3. Access WEB UI of N.Plug by enter in the URL box of Web
Browser (IE/Firefox/Safari)
4. Enter UserID/Password as admin/airlive
5. After Logged in, click at Wizard at top panel of the page.
6. Click at the Site survey button
7. Choose the SSID of your Router/AP device, and press OK.
8. Press
9. Select corresponded Encryption of your Router/AP device
10. Select the Pre-Shared Key format of your Router/AP device
11. Enter Pre-Share Key
12. Press Finish and wait for N.Plug to reboot
13. Wait for 2 minutes for the connection to establish between N.Plug and the Router/AP.
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