2 wan type – pppoe – AirLive IGR-1500 User Manual
Page 21

3.4.2 WAN Type – PPPoE
Connect to ISP via dial-up connecting, ISP will assign a legal IP to you after the user Id and password had
been passed. (The user Id and password here are provided by your ISP.) (Figure 3-9)
Figure 3-9 PPPoE
The user name provided by ISP, the character can be entered up to 60.
The password provided by ISP, the character can be entered up to 60.
Service Name:
This is optional. The Service name is needed if ISP requires for it.
Max. Idle Time (min):
The default value is 0, means not to check the idle time, so the connection will
remain connecting unless user disconnects it by manually.
Dial On Demand:
Auto connect function
You need to initiate WAN connection manually, by clicking WAN1 connect or WAN2
button in System Status Æ Link Status menu. However, power up or
reset also can initiate the WAN connection.
Whenever a user is trying to access the Internet from his computer, this
WAN port will start connection automatically if it is disconnected.
The WAN port will try to establish the connection as long as it is disconnected,
no matter this port is used or not.