AirLive DS-100 v2 User Manual

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5. Troubleshooting

AirLive DS-100 v2 User’s Manual


Q2: How to Lock and Unlock Keypad for On-Demand Authentication?


This function is for protect other people to press DS-100 v2 and print out the tickets, you

can follow the below installation steps to configure your hotspot gateway and device

On WIAS-3200N v2 Web UI.

(1) Select a Service Domain’s Authentication Type as On-Demand.

(2) Under Service Domain > Authentication > On-Demand > Billing Plan Setup:

Enable and save a billing plan.

(3) Under Service Domain > Authentication > On-Demand > Thermal Printer Setup:

Edit a thermal printer. After enabling it, provide a 4 to 8 –digit Lock Password. Save

everything and reboot the WIAS-3200N v2.