Google Search Appliance Upgrade and Migration Handbook User Manual
Page 5

Patch releases
Patch releases primarily provide fixes to outstanding GSA issues, and do not generally contain any major
changes to GSA features or functionality. A list of changes contained within each patch release is provided
via the Update Instructions of each release.
Patch releases are signified by a change in the “build version” number. That is, v7.0.14.G.114 represents an
incremental patch after the original version (v7.0.14.G84). Prior to v7.0, patches were also signified by a
“patch number” (eg. v6.14 Patch 8).
Version numbering
Official GSA release version numbers follow a foursegment naming convention and can include a patch
number for the version, as shown in the following format:
G stands for “General Availability”.
Some examples of this numbering scheme are:
v6.12.0.G.30P18 (referred to as version “6.12 Patch 18”)
v6.14.0.G.28 (referred to as version “6.14,” no patches)
Even though there are four segments to a GSA version number, it is sufficient to refer to a GSA release by
its first two version numbers, for example, v6.12, v6.14, v7.0. However, when dealing with Google Enterprise
Support, it is important to provide the full version number of the search appliance, for example,
“v6.14.0.G.28P8” (the full version number can be found via the Version Manager on port 9941 or 9942 of the
What is contained in a GSA software release?
Each software release of the GSA (both version upgrades and patch releases) contains an change to both
the operating system and application software on the search appliance (also referred to as the “system
software” and “software version”, respectively). The system software and software version are updated
through separate binary packages and always have the same version number as the GSA release.
GSA software releases are incremental. Once you apply a version upgrade or patch to a GSA, it is not
possible to downgrade to a previous version. Furthermore, it is critical that both the system software and
software version are kept on matching versions for the GSA to operate successfully.
Similarly, you should only update a search appliance to a software release that is supported for the
particular appliance model. Using the wrong packages for an update can irrevocably corrupt data and
damage software on the Google Search Appliance. You can find a list of supported versions for each model
in the