Current measurement, Current measurement -3, Current measurement (dc) -3 – JLG 680S Service Manual User Manual
Page 303

– JLG Lift –
Current Measurement
• Set up the meter for the expected current range
• Be sure to connect the meter leads to the correct
jacks for the current range you have selected
• If meter is not auto ranging, set it to the correct
range (See multi meter’s operation manual)
• Use firm contact with meter leads
NOTE: Do NOT apply dielectric grease to the following con-
• Main Boom Rotary sensor connections (on Celesco
• LSS Modules connections,
• Deutz EMR 2 ECM connection.
Silicone Dielectric Compound must be used on all electri-
cal connections except for those mentioned above for the
following reasons:
• To prevent oxidation at the mechanical joint between
male and female pins.
• To prevent electrical malfunction caused by low level
conductivity between pins when wet.
Use the following procedure to apply Silicone Dielectric
Compound to the electrical connectors. This procedure
applies to all plug connections not enclosed in a box. Sili-
cone grease should not be applied to connectors with
external seals.
1. To prevent oxidation, silicone grease must be
packed completely around male and female pins on
the inside of the connector prior to assembly. This is
most easily achieved by using a syringe.
NOTE: Over a period of time, oxidation increases electrical
resistance at the connection, eventually causing cir-
cuit failure.
2. To prevent shorting, silicone grease must be packed
around each wire where they enter the outside of the
connector housing. Also, silicone grease must be
applied at the joint where the male and female con-
nectors come together. Any other joints (around
strain reliefs, etc.) where water could enter the con-
nector should also be sealed.
NOTE: This condition is especially common when machines
are pressure washed since the washing solution is
much more conductive than water.
3. Anderson connectors for the battery boxes and bat-
tery chargers should have silicone grease applied to
the contacts only.
NOTE: Curing-type sealants might also be used to prevent
shorting and would be less messy, but would make
future pin removal more difficult.
Figure 7-4. Current Measurement (DC)