Eppendorf Combitube User Manual
Eppendorf, Combitube

Applicational limitations
The Combitube is made of
polypropylene. Therefore, it
dispenses aqueous solutions,
inorganic acids and bases and
most organic acids in low
concentrations. It is
for organic solutions (e. g.
chloroform, ether)!
Cleaning the Combitube
Remove the Combitube
from the liquid and hold
over a waste container (Fig.
Wipe the tube of the
Combitube e. g. with a
Hold the Combitube with
the chamber facing
downwards so that part of
the liquid can run out. Draw
up a Combitip and insert
the cone into the tube. Push
the piston of the Combitip
down so that the air column
presses the remaining liquid
out of the Combitube.
is a registered trademark
H 0030 059.069-02/1207
Printed in Germany
General information
The Eppendorf Combitube is an
aspirating aid for the Repeater
4780 / plus / pro / stream or
Xstream. Using the
Combitube, liquids can be
directly taken out of all original
bottles whose diameter does not
exceed 50 mm. The Combitube
can remain in the bottle and can
be sealed by inserting a
Combitip / Combitip plus into
its opening.
Shorten the tube, e. g. with
a scalpel, to the desired
length. The tube should not
touch the bottom of the
bottle (Fig. 1).
Hang the Combitube into
the reagent bottle.
Clamp the enclosed
Combitip plus 25 ml* into
the Repeater and
insert the tip into the
opening of the Combitube
(Fig. 2).
Aspirate liquid by slowly
sliding the filling lever of the
Repeater up to the stop.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
The first time this is carried out,
the Combitip is not completely
filled. Pull the Combitip a little out
of the Combitube’s opening and
dispense the liquid through the
opening into the chamber
(Fig. 3). The Combitube has to
be filled with liquid up to the
"min" mark (1).
Re-insert the Combitip
firmly into the opening and
fill your Combitip as usual
without forming any air
*The Combitube can also be
used with all other Combitips. If
the Combitip volume is
5 ml,
ensure that the chamber is filled
up to the "min" mark.
Fig. 4
Then rinse 2 to 3 times with
distilled water and leave to dry.
If necessary, the Combitube
can be autoclaved (at 121 C°,
20 min).
Ordering information
Combitube (set of 2),
25 ml Combitip plus,
incl. adapter
and Eppendorf Combitip
are registered trademarks of
Eppendorf AG
Your local distributor:
Eppendorf AG
22331 Hamburg · Germany
Tel. +49 40 538 01-0
Fax +49 40 538 01-556
E-Mail: [email protected]
Eppendorf North America, Inc.
One Cantiague Road · P.O. Box 1019
Westbury, N.Y. 11590-0207 · USA
Tel. +1 516 334 7500
Toll free phone 800 645 3050
Fax +1 516 334 7506
E-Mail: [email protected]
Application Support
Europe, International:
Tel. +49 1803 666 789
E-Mail: [email protected]
North America:
Tel. 800 645 3050 ext. 2258
E-Mail: [email protected]
Asia, Pacific:
Tel. +603 8023 2769
E-Mail: support_AsiaPacifi[email protected]
Combitube_us.fm Seite 1 Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007 6:39 18