Eppendorf Stainless steel rotor lid for the Rotor F-45-12-11 User Manual
Eppendorf Hardware

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These instructions for use for the stainless steel rotor lid for the rotor F-45-12-11 are a supplement to the operating manual for the
centrifuge and are not a substitute, so also read the operating manual before using the rotor lid for the first time. The current version of the
operating manual can be found on the Internet at www.eppendorf.com.
The Eppendorf stainless steel rotor lid has been designed for the Rotor F-45-12-11 of the MiniSpin
, MiniSpin
plus and
Please read this supplement sheet prior to using the rotor lid for the first time.
For your own safety please be sure to observe the following instructions:
The stainless steel rotor lid may only be used in the centrifuges MiniSpin
/ MiniSpin
plus and MiniSpin
SPACE for the intended
use specified in the operating manual. Only original replacement parts, rotors and rotor lids from Eppendorf should be used.
Rotors must always be fixed in position according to the instructions. Centrifugation may only be carried out with a firmly tightened
Be sure to protect the rotor lid from mechanical damage. Even slight scratches and tears can lead to serious internal material
damage. Avoid damage caused by aggressive chemicals, including among others: Strong and weak alkali, strong acids, solutions
with mercury, copper and other heavy metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, concentrated saline solutions and phenol. Where
contamination from aggressive media occurs, clean the rotor immediately with a neutral detergent.
Rotor lids showing visible signs of corrosion or mechanical damage should not be used. Inspect the rotor lid regularly.
Be sure to close the tube lids tightly prior to centrifugation. Open tube lids can be torn off during centrifugation and damage the rotor
lid or centrifuge.
When using poisonous, radioactive liquids or pathogenic germs of Risk Group II (see World Health Organization: Laboratory
Biosafety Manual), the appropriate national regulations are to be observed. Careful, proper cleaning of the centrifuge must be carried
out following accidental spillage of such liquids into the rotor or the rotor area. Before using any other cleaning or decontamination
method than that given in point 5 "Cleaning", please be sure to ascertain from Eppendorf that the intended method will not damage
the lid.
1 stainless steel rotor lid incl. special rotor nut (see also point 4: Operation).
The accompanying special rotor nut is required for using the stainless steel rotor lid. Please replace your standard rotor nut with this
special rotor nut. Tighten the special rotor nut clockwise to lock the rotor.
When you use a MiniSpin
, MiniSpin
plus or MiniSpin
SPACE manufactured prior to 10/2003 and delivered with a
polypropylene rotor lid, the stainless-steel rotor lid can only be used when the original rotor nut is exchanged for the new special
rotor nut. Please only use the special rotor nut together with the stainless-steel rotor and under no circumstances together
with the polypropylene rotor lid.
Use a mild cleaning agent for cleaning.
Select a disinfection method which complies with the legal regulations and guidelines for your range of application. For example, use
alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol) or other disinfectants containing alcohol.
Rotor lid material: Stainless steel V2A
Rotor nut material: Stainless steel V2A
1. Introduction
2. Safety instructions and applicational limitations
3. Delivery package
4. Operation
5. Cleaning
6. Technical data
Stainless steel rotor lid for the Rotor F-45-12-11 – Instructions for use
is a registered trademark
5452 702.964-06/122012