Apple Color StyleWriter 6500 User Manual

Page 29

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Using the Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM disc


Turn off any automatic virus-detection applications you have on your Mac OS computer.

If you don’t, problems may occur during the installation. After installation is
complete, you can turn the virus-detection programs back on. (See the
instructions that came with your virus-detection application for how to turn
off detection.)


Insert the

Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM disc into your CD-ROM drive.

Double-click the CD icon.


Open the Printer Software folder.


Open the Macintosh folder.


Open the Installer folder.


To start the Installer program, double-click its icon.


In the Welcome dialog box that appears, click Continue.


The Installer determines whether you have the correct system

software, and enough memory and hard disk space to use this printer. If you
don’t, the Installer displays a message telling you what you need. You won’t be
able to install the printer software until you correct the system software or
memory problem. If the message reports a problem, you can purchase new
system software or memory from an Apple-authorized dealer, or make space
available on your hard disk by throwing away files you don’t need.


Read the software license agreement and click Agree.

If you are unwilling to accept the terms of the agreement, click Disagree.


Printing From a Mac OS Computer