Index – Apple Color StyleWriter 6500 User Manual
Page 113

AC power cord requirements 86
address, return 56
Adobe Type Manager software 92, 93, 94
aliases, making for desktop printer icons
(Mac OS computers) 44
aligning ink cartridges (Mac OS
computers) 27–29
Apple-authorized service providers 67, 87
Apple classic fonts 98–99
Apple Color Ink-Jet print materials 59, 87
Apple Printer Software Collection
CD-ROM disc
Mac OS computers 19, 20, 21–22
Windows computers 49
Apple printer supplies and
accessories 86–87
Apple Web site, downloading
software from 20
application programs. See also software
printing from DOS applications 54
SimpleText application (Mac OS
computers) 78
TeachText application (Mac OS
computers) 78
Toolbox application (Windows
computers) 53–54
Automatic color setting (Mac OS
computers) 36
background printing (Mac OS computers)
cleaning ink cartridges and 73
controlling and monitoring 47–48
delays 47, 48
memory problems and 79
settings for 37–38
turning on and off 37
best printing (Mac OS computers) 34
bitmapped fonts
description of 90–91
icon 91
using with TrueType fonts 92–93
Black & White setting (Mac OS
computers) 36
black ink cartridge
aligning (Mac OS computers) 27
installing 7–9
part number 86
blinking lights, indicating problems 69
bold font 97
borders, printing (Mac OS computers) 35
Business Graphics color setting (Mac OS
computers) 36
business-size envelopes, printing 56–58
buttons, on printer 6