Sh – tr – Apple Power Macintosh 7500 Series User Manual
Page 176
Show Balloons command (Guide
showing/hiding windows on the
Shut Down command (Special menu)
shutting down the computer 22, 23–24
size box 20
Sleep command (Special menu) 22
sleep state 15, 22
slider, Macintosh Guide 31
Small Computer System Interface.
software updates, obtaining 98–102
sound input/output ports (on computer)
speaker on computer, illustration 40
speakers, connecting external stereo
special characters and symbols, typing
special keys 151–152, 155
Special menu
Restart command 77
Shut Down command 23–24
Sleep command 22
starting the computer 22, 77–78
startup disks
initializing 103–105
rebuilding the desktop and 78
troubleshooting 81, 83
static electricity
discharging 143
handling the processor card 150
stereo miniplugs 43, 44, 47
stereo speakers 47–48
sunlight, computer exposure to 129
S-video connections
for input from a camera 53
for input from a VCR 52
S-video connectors 49, 50
S-video input port (on computer) 41, 42,
S-video Out port (on video equipment)
switching programs 19
symbols and international characters,
System Backup Disk 1 disk, starting the
system extensions
not installed with the Installer program
System Folder
clean installation of system software
dragging extras to the Trash 63
replacing special software 117
shared libraries 66
system software
installing/reinstalling 110–119
troubleshooting 80–82, 86–88, 110
Tab key 152
TCP/IP control panel 60
television or radio reception, interference
temperature limits for floppy disks 131
10BASE-T Ethernet connector 59
10BASE-T Ethernet port 40, 41
terminators, SCSI 56
text box, Macintosh Guide 33
Text-to-speech software 61
tilde (~), typing 154
title bar of a window 20
TokenRing networks 59
Topics button
Macintosh Guide 29–30
Macintosh Shortcuts window 37, 38
Trash 20
triple RCA-type connectors 50, 51, 52