Making changes to your website, Continue to explore iweb – Apple iWeb '08 User Manual
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Chapter 2
Learn iWeb
Some of the features in iWeb can’t be used with any hosting service other than
MobileMe. If you publish your website to another hosting service, see “Publishing to a
server or hosting service other than MobileMe” in iWeb Help.
Making Changes to Your Website
Most websites need to be updated from time to time. If you have a blog or published
podcasts, you will be making frequent changes. For these changes to be seen on the
Internet, you must republish your site to update the webpages.
When you click Publish (for MobileMe websites), all the sites and pages you changed
since the last time you published are published again. In other words, you can’t publish
only selected sites or pages; each time you click Publish or choose one of the Publish
commands in the File menu, your published sites will match the sites and pages in
Continue to Explore iWeb
Congratulations! You’ve completed the tutorial. You will probably want to further
customize your website content, add more photos and other graphics, and include
special elements such as an automatic visitor counter. As you get more comfortable
with iWeb, you might want to include other templates on your website.
If You Already Have HomePage Content on Your MobileMe Site
If you have previously published webpages using HomePage, they are still
available at:
Websites you create in iWeb and publish to MobileMe are available at:
Note: You can’t edit HomePage sites in iWeb.