Apple iWeb '08 User Manual

Page 13

background image

Chapter 2

Learn iWeb


When you click a photo, a Photo Grid window appears. Use the settings in this window
to change the style of the frame for all the photos on the page, change the number of
columns, turn captions on or off, and more. For more information about using these
settings, see “Changing the layout of photos on a Photos template” in iWeb Help.

If the number of photos in the photo grid exceeds the “Photos per page” setting in the
Photo Grid window, iWeb divides the photo grid into multiple pages for your photos
and adds page numbers and navigation arrows.

Another way to organize your photos is to use the detail view. When you double-click a
photo on a Photos page, the photo is enlarged so you can see it in more detail. Click
the view buttons at the top of the detail window to see thumbnails of the photos in a
photo browser across the top. When you click a thumbnail in the photo browser, the
enlarged photo is shown below. Visitors to your website will also be able to see this
view when they click a photo on your Photos page.

While working in iWeb, select
to view page numbers on
paginated Photos pages, or
view one scrolling page. This
setting does not affect the
visitor’s view.

Choose a frame style.

Change the layout of
photos on the photo grid.

Page numbers and
navigation arrows appear
when there are more
photos than the “Photos
per page” setting.

Click thumbnails to see
the photo enlarged
below. Click the arrows
to see the previous or
next set of thumbnails.