Apple iWeb '08 User Manual
Page 15

Chapter 2
Learn iWeb
iWeb provides two kinds of blog templates: Blog and Podcast. A podcast is an audio or
video file that is like an Internet radio or TV show. You can produce your own podcasts
and let visitors download them one by one, or they can download new episodes
automatically through a subscription.
You can add audio and video to both Blog and Podcast templates.
For this tutorial, you’ll add a blog to your website and learn how to add new entries
to it.
To add a blog:
Click the Add (+) button (or choose File > New Page).
In the template chooser, select a theme in the list on the left (the tutorial uses
Modern Frame).
Select Blog from the thumbnails on the right, and then click Choose.
The first blog entry appears with the current date.
Double-click the placeholder text to create your own title and body text, or to change
the date.
When you add a page using one of the blog templates (Blog or Podcast), three icons
appear in the sidebar:
 Blog is the page that your website visitors see. It contains excerpts (the opening text)
from your most recent blog entries. Visitors can click “Read more” to see the whole
All of your entries
are listed here. Click
an entry to display
it below.
Type your blog
content here.
Drag an image, audio
file, or movie to this
media placeholder.
Type your entry
title here.