Apple GarageBand Tutorial: Lesson 1 User Manual

Page 5

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Lesson 1: Building a Basic Arrangement


To find loops in column view:


Click the column button in the lower-left corner of the loop browser to switch to column view.


Click a keyword type in the left column.


Click a category in the middle column.


Click a keyword in the right column to show matching loops in the results list.


To refine your results, click multiple categories or keywords. This expands the matching loops to
include those that match any of the selected categories or keywords.

Now find some bass loops in column view by first choosing the By Instruments keyword type,
then the Bass category, then the Grooving keyword.

When you find loops in either button view or column view, the total number of matching loops
is shown next to the search field at the bottom of the loop browser.

Previewing Loops in the Loop Browser

When you find loops that fit the criteria you want, you can preview them in the loop browser to
hear which loop will sound best in your song. You can preview the loop by itself (solo), or hear it
playing together with the song.

To preview a loop:


Click the loop in the results list. Click the loop again to stop previewing it.

Once you have added loops or recorded instruments in your song, you can preview a loop
together with the song by clicking the Play button before you click the loop. When you preview a
loop with a song, GarageBand matches the tempo and key of the loop to the song’s tempo and
key, and syncs the loop with the song so it starts playing on the beat.

When you preview a loop, you can also control the volume of the loop using the volume slider in
the loop browser.

To adjust the volume of a loop being previewed:


Drag the volume slider in the loop browser left to lower the loop’s volume, or right to raise the
loop’s volume.

If you adjust the volume of a loop in the loop browser, then add the loop to your song by
dragging it to an empty part of the timeline, the volume of the track created for the loop is set to
the same volume.

Now try previewing the loops you found earlier, and see which ones you like.

Refining Your Results in the Loop Browser

There are several ways you can refine your results in the loop browser. You can:

Display loops using a particular scale type

Display only loops in keys near the song’s key

Perform text searches

Drag the volume slider to adjust
the volume of the loop.