Apple Logic Pro 8 Getting Started User Manual

Page 57

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Chapter 5

Using Instruments and Effects


 The selected channel strip section: EQ, Instrument slot, Insert slot, Channel Strip

Settings slot

This interaction with different parts of the Arrange channel strips makes it very easy to
reconfigure your effects routings and settings. It also simplifies a number of mixing and
recording tasks.

To open or close the Library:


Click the Media button in the Arrange window Toolbar (top right).


Click the Library tab, if not already active.

The Library will also automatically open when you create new tracks, as you discovered
earlier. This feature can be disabled in the New Tracks dialog, if you wish.

Using the Library to load complete channel strip settings:


Click the Inst 3 track name in the track list to select the track. The Inspector and Library
update, to reflect your selection.


Click any of the categories shown in the Library: 01 Pianos, 02 Electric Pianos, and so


Click any of the sub-categories shown in the second column of the Library (if
applicable). A third column is shown.


Click on any of the settings shown in the second or third column. Play your keyboard
after loading each setting.

You will see that the left Arrange channel strip automatically updates—usually with at
least two or more (blue) Insert slots, plus the Instrument slot—being activated. These
are known as channel strip settings, rather than individual instrument settings. Not only
is an instrument plug-in loaded, but also all effect plug-ins used by the channel strip.
Even better, the setting of each plug-in (instrument and effect) is automatically loaded!

To quickly change loaded effect or instrument settings:


Click any of the used Insert or Instrument slots on the Arrange channel strip.

A white frame is shown around the selected slot, and the Library updates.


Choose another setting in the Library to load it for the selected effect or instrument type.

A white frame indicates

the Library focus.