Apple Logic Pro 8 Getting Started User Manual
Page 101

project settings The project settings are a collection of program settings that are
specific to the current project. These are different to the global preferences that affect
all Logic projects (see Preferences window).
protected track A protected track cannot have its contents moved or changed.
punch in, punch out Going into and out of record to replace a section of an existing
recording. This process can be automated in Logic. Also see Autopunch.
quantization Time-correction of note positions by moving them to the nearest point
on a selectable grid (this is chosen in the Quantization menu). When quantization is
applied to any selected event or region, Logic will move all note events to align
perfectly with the nearest grid position. Logic quantization is a non-destructive
playback operation, allowing different quantize values to be auditioned while listening
to your music.
Quantization menu Menu found throughout Logic that determines the current
quantization grid. See entries below.
Quantize button Button labeled with a Q. Performs the quantize operation (chosen in
the Quantization menu) on selected events. Also see Quantize tool and quantization.
Quantize tool Tool labeled with a Q. It is used to apply quantization to specific
(selected) events, using the quantize value specified in the Quantization menu of the
Piano Roll or Event List editors.
QuickTime QuickTime is an Apple cross-platform standard for digitized, data-
compressed video playback and encoding. QuickTime movies can be run in a Logic
window or on a global Video track, in sync with the project. Whenever you move the
playhead, the film follows and vice versa.
RAM Abbreviation for random-access memory. Computer memory capacity, measured
in megabytes (MB), determines the amount of data the computer can process and
temporarily store at any given moment.
real-time effects Effects that can be applied to regions in real time, during playback.
Real-time effects can be used on any Macintosh computer qualified to run Logic.
recording The act of capturing a performance as audio or MIDI data into Logic. The
term is also commonly used when referring to the actual data (in Logic, this is
delineated by use of the words region or file to clarify things when discussing
record-enable Audio tracks musty be manually armed (record-enabled) before you can
record on them. MIDI tracks are automatically record-enabled when selected. Software
instrument tracks are automatically “pre-armed,” and must receive a MIDI message to
be record-enabled.