Apple Logic Pro 8 Getting Started User Manual
Page 103

Score Editor Logic editor that deals with standard musical notation. MIDI note events
are represented as quavers, crotchets, minims, and so on. The Score Editor allows you to
adjust and edit the layout of the score, and print it.
screenset A layout of various windows, inclusive of all display parameters (zoom,
position, size of each window, and so on) is called a screenset. You can swap between
different screensets, much as you might swap between different computer monitors.
scroll bar and scroller Gray beam at the edge of a window. A movable box inside the
beam is used to select the displayed project section in the window.
semitone Smallest interval between two pitches in the standard diatonic scale, equal
to a half tone. A semitone is also called a half step or half tone.
send Abbreviation for auxiliary sends. An output on an audio device used for routing a
controlled amount of the signal to another device. Sends are often used to send several
signals to the same effect, which is useful for computationally-intensive effects such as
Send slot A panel shown on mixer channel strips that enables you to send (via a bus) a
portion (or all) of the audio signal to an auxiliary channel strip. You may use multiple
sends on channels.
sequencer The term sequencer is generally used to describe a computer application
that allows you to record both digital audio and MIDI data, and blend the sounds
together in a software mixing console. In earlier times, a sequencer was a hardware
device that controlled synthesizers via a series of control voltages and gates, or via MIDI
only. No audio recording or control was available.
setting 1) A parameter value. 2) A set of plug-in parameter values that can be loaded,
saved, copied, or pasted via the Settings menu. A plug-in setting is also known as a
preset. Also see preset and Settings menu.
Settings menu Found in the gray header at the top of all plug-in windows. Allows you
to save, load, copy, and paste settings: the parameter values of effects and software
SMPTE ruler In addition to the standard bar/beat display, the Logic Bar ruler can
display time units in SMPTE format: hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, and can
display time code if a video is imported into the project.
Snap menu A pop-up menu found in the local menu of linear editing windows. It
determines the behavior of regions or events when edited; lengths and cuts will snap
to the nearest possible position (as determined by the chosen Snap menu value), for