Index – Apple Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC User Manual

Page 113

background image

x (Command) key 105
h icon, as Guide menu indicator

13, 15, 17


active program, checkmark as indicator

of 18

Apple (K) menu, Shut Down 14
Apple customer support hotline 15
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) icon 6
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) port 5, 6, 31
Apple Extras folder, pre-installed

programs in 39

Apple HD SC Setup icon 63, 66
Apple HD SC Setup program 63–64

for installing system software 71, 74

Apple Presentation System 36
AppleScript program 39
AppleTalk Phase 2 Protocols for Ethernet

networks 35

Apple Video Player program 39
Application menu 13

active programs listed in 41
Hide Others/Show All 42

application programs 39–44

increasing memory for 56
installing 40
older Macintosh 44, 58
opening DOS documents from 58
Power Macintosh 43
pre-installed 39
troubleshooting 40, 56–57, 58
unable to find or open 58
working with several at a time 41–42

arrow, on screen.

See pointer

arrow keys 105
arrows, scroll 13


backing up 42
Balloon Help 26
basic skills

with mouse 12–13
tutorial review 13

bomb 53–54

