Apple AppleShare 3.0 File Server Controls User Manual

Page 7

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Determining if server control calls are available

Before using any of the other control calls, use the TrapAvailable call to

make sure that the server dispatch trap is available. The following line of

code tests directly for the existence of the server dispatch trap:

gHasServerDispatch := TrapAvailable(ServerDispatch)

The "Compatibility Guidelines" chapter of Inside Macintosh, Volume VI,

contains the source code for the TrapAvailable call.

Calling conventions

After assuring that server control calls are available, issue the

SyncServerDispatch call with the following code:


The actual interface for the SyncServerDispatch call is defined by the server

control call interface file. See Appendix B for a listing of that file. The

SyncServerDispatch call appears in the "Server Control Routine" section of

Appendix B.

Getting and modifying server

configuration information

This section describes the server control calls that you use to get and to

modify server configuration information.


The following function calls SCServerVersion to get the name of the file

server extension and the server's type and version.

FUNCTION MySCServerVersion (ExtNamePtr: StringPtr;

VAR ServerType: Integer;

VAR ServerVersion: Integer):



scPB: SCParamBlockRec;


scPB.versionPB.scCode := SCServerVersion;

scPB.versionPB.scExtNamePtr := ExtNamePtr;

MySCServerVersion := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);

ServerType := scPB.versionPB.scServerType;

ServerVersion := scPB.versionPB.scServerVersion;