Apple AppleShare 3.0 File Server Controls User Manual
Page 11

VAR VolListModDate: LongInt):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.statusPB.scCode := SCGetServerStatus;
scPB.statusPB.scNamePtr := NamePtr;
MySCGetServerStatus := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
ServerFlags := scPB.statusPB.scServerFlags;
NumSessions := scPB.statusPB.scNumSessions;
UserListModDate := scPB.statusPB.scUserListModDate;
Activity := scPB.statusPB.scActivity;
VolListModDate := scPB.statusPB.scVolListModDate;
Starting and stopping the file service
This section describes the server control calls that you use to start and
stop file servers.
The following function calls SCStartServer to start the Macintosh File
Sharing server.
!! IMPORTANT The AppleShare File Server 3.0 is normally started by the
AppleShare File Server application. When the AppleShare File Server
application is launched, it checks to see if the file server is running. If
it is, the AppleShare File Server application assumes its role as the file
server's user interface. If the file server is not running, the AppleShare
File Server application starts the server by calling SCStartServer before
assuming its role as user interface.
If a server addition starts the AppleShare File Server 3.0 by calling
SCStartServer, the file service starts up, but the AppleShare File Server
application (the user interface) does not. Unless your program provides the
functionality of the AppleShare File Server application, it should probably
not call SCStartServer to start the AppleShare File Server 3.0. Instead,
start the file server in the usual way -- by launching the AppleShare File
Server application. !!
FUNCTION MySCStartServer: OSErr;