Apple AppleShare 3.0 File Server Controls User Manual
Page 10

VAR ServerError: Integer;
VAR SecondsLeft: LongInt): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.pollServerPB.scCode := SCPollServer;
{ Macintosh File Sharing doesn't return scSecondsLeft }
{ so zero it. }
scPB.pollServerPB.scSecondsLeft := 0;
MySCPollServer := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
ServerState := scPB.pollServerPB.scServerState;
DisconnectState := scPB.pollServerPB.scDisconnectState;
ServerError := scPB.pollServerPB.scServerError;
SecondsLeft := scPB.pollServerPB.scSecondsLeft;
The following segment of code gets the server state, disconnect state, server
error, and seconds-left information and stores it in global variables for
later use. (Global variables and their data types are listed in "Using Server
Control Calls," earlier in this chapter.)
err := MySCPollServer(gServerState, gDisconnectState,
gServerError, gSecondsLeft);
The following function calls SCGetServerStatus to get the file server's
current status information, including the server flags, the number of active
sessions, the date of the last modification of the user list, the level of
server activity, and the date of the last modification of the volume list.
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCGetServerStatus (NamePtr: StringPtr;
VAR ServerFlags: Integer;
VAR NumSessions: Integer;
VAR UserListModDate: LongInt;
VAR Activity: Integer;