Bounce strategies – Apple Logic Pro 8 TDM User Manual

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Bounce Strategies

The easiest way to perform a stereo bounce is to choose File > Bounce. This will open
the Bounce dialog for outputs 1/2 of your primary audio hardware. It is highly
recommended that you use the first output pair of your audio device for main playback


If you are using other output channel strips for primary playback duties, please

use the Bounce button on these channels.

You can set the file format, bit depth, and sample rate of the bounce file in the Bounce
dialog. More information about other bouncing parameters can be found in the

Logic Pro 8 User Manual



You can perform real time bounces in mono, stereo, and all surround formats
supported by Logic Pro 8. Offline bounces are not possible when you use the DAE.

Please bear in mind that none of the TDM surround features are available in Logic Pro.


If using the DTDM output channels, all offline and online bouncing features afforded by
Core Audio are available to you.

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