Using dae, dtdm, and coreaudio simultaneously, System performance and tdm dsp usage, Using dae, dtdm, and core audio simultaneously – Apple Logic Pro 8 TDM User Manual

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Using DAE, DTDM, and Core Audio Simultaneously?

You should avoid the use of more than two audio engines simultaneously within
Logic Pro 8. The strain on the PCI bus can be problematic, resulting in a number of DAE
error messages.

Your first choice should be DAE—in conjunction with DTDM. If necessary, choose DAE
and Core Audio.

System Performance and TDM DSP Usage

The Logic Pro System Performance window doesn’t reflect any native processing via
the DAE—which may be caused by the insertion of numerous EXS24 TDM instruments.
You can check the DSP load in the TDM DSP Usage window (Options > Audio > Open
TDM DSP Usage).