Replace, Click, Solo – Apple Logic 7 User Manual

Page 84

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Chapter 2

Logic Control


The mode display shows dr


V-Pot/V-Select 1 shows and edits the current Drop status (off or on); you can also use
the DROP button.


V-Pot 3—Move— moves the current Drop region by a bar with each “click” when
turning the V-Pot.


The display shows the Drop In and Drop Out locators above V-Pots 5 and 7.


Pressing V-Select 5 picks up the current song position for the Drop In locator.


Turning V-Pot 5 changes the Drop In locator in bars.


Turning V-Pot 6 changes the left locator in beats (denominator steps).


Pressing V-Select 7 picks up the current song position for the Drop Out locator.


Turning V-Pot 7 changes the Drop Out locator in bars.


Turning V-Pot 8 changes the right locator in beats (denominator steps).

Changing a drop locator with the Logic Control enables Drop mode.

To return to a regular Assignment mode, press one of the Assignment buttons.


Activates/deactivates Replace mode.


Enables/Disables MIDI (or Klopfgeist) metronome click. There are independent click
settings for play and record. The click settings are enabled or disabled, dependent on
the current Record state (see the “MIDI/Monitor Metronome Click” key command).

Pressing SHIFT and CLICK buttons activates/deactivates both External Sync mode and
Transmit MMC.


The SOLO button behaves as per the Solo key command. Individual channels can be
soloed via the channel SOLO buttons on each channel strip. MIDI or Audio Regions can
be selected and soloed along with the selected channels. Each channel features an
independent SOLO LED which is lit when a track is soloed. The RUDE SOLO LED—just
to the right of the Position/Time Display—is lit whenever any track is soloed.

Pressing the SHIFT and SOLO buttons enables Solo Lock mode.