Apple Logic 7 User Manual

Page 103

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Chapter 3

M-Audio iControl


The other channel strip buttons maintain the default Multi Channel View function:

Sel buttons: Selects the track for editing.


Record Enable buttons: Enables/disables the track for recording.


Mute button: Activates/deactivates the Mute button of the Audio Object that
corresponds with the track.


Solo button: Activate/deactivates the Solo button of the Audio Object that
corresponds with the track.

Pressing the Pan button enters Pan Multi Channel View; you can use the rotary
encoders to control the Pan knob of the eight active tracks in this mode.

The other channel strip buttons maintain the default Multi Channel view function:

Sel buttons: Selects the track for editing.


Record Enable buttons: Enables/disables the track for recording.


Mute button: Activates/deactivates the Mute button of the Audio Object that
corresponds with the track.


Solo button: Activate/deactivates the Solo button of the Audio Object that
corresponds with the track.

Track Info
Pressing the Track Info button enters Track Channel Strip View. In this mode, you can
use the Sel buttons and rotary encoders of the eight channel strips to edit global
parameters of the selected track. The Record Enable, Mute, and Solo buttons maintain
their default Multi Channel view functions.

Sel button 1 to 5: Switches the bypass status of the first five Insert slots.


Sel button 6 and 7: Switches the bypass status of the first and second Send slots.

Note: A Select button is illuminated if the Insert or Send slot is enabled, and unlit if the
effect is bypassed.


Sel button 8: Not assigned.


Encoder 1: In GarageBand, every Real Instrument track (Real Instrument tracks are
audio tracks in Logic) contains a Noise Gate plug-in. Given this default plug-in
assignment, encoder 1 is assigned to controlling the Threshold parameter of the
Noise Gate in Track Channel Strip mode (if inserted in the selected channel strip).


Encoder 2: In GarageBand songs, every Real Instrument track contains a Compressor
plug-in. Again, in Track Channel Strip mode, encoder 2 is assigned to controlling the
Compressor’s Ratio (if inserted in the selected channel strip).


Encoders 3 and 4 are not assigned.


Encoder 5 controls the Pan knob of the channel.


Encoder 6 controls the Send level of the first Send.