Control surface setup, Control surface plug-ins, About software and firmware – Apple Logic 7 User Manual

Page 13: Chapter 1, About

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Control Surface Setup

Logic offers dedicated support for a number of control
surfaces, plus the option to program unsupported devices.

The following chapter describes functions applicable to all control surface models.
Specific documentation for various models is available in the following chapters.

Control Surface Plug-ins

Dedicated control surface support is achieved through the use of special plug-in files.
These files are automatically added when Logic is installed.

They are located in the /Contents/MIDI Device Plug-ins sub-folder of the Logic
application bundle (to view the bundle contents, Control or right-click on the Logic
application icon, and choose Show Package Contents from the menu). Logic also
checks for control surface plug-ins in the (optional) “/Library/Application Support/
Logic/MIDI Device Plug-ins” and “~/Library/Application Support/Logic/MIDI Device
Plug-ins” (the “~” denotes your user home directory) folders.

When new control surface plug-ins are released independently from a Logic update,
please place them in the folders described above (or as advised in the documentation
supplied with the plug-in).

About Software and Firmware

Most control surfaces have no “intelligence” of their own. Their functionality is host
software-based, making them reliant on Logic to tell them what to do/how to behave.
What this means is that control surfaces cannot perform any function that Logic itself
isn’t capable of. It also means that if Logic is not booted, most control surface units will
do nothing at all.

This reliance on the host application makes your control surface the ultimate
upgradable hardware. As new functions are added to Logic, or you create new
assignments (see

Control Surface Setup

” on page 13), your control surface will be able

to access and control them.