Tips – Apple Logic 7 User Manual

Page 46

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Chapter 1

Control Surface Setup


Control surfaces change the way you use Logic, and are most effective if you make a
few small modifications to your working methods. The following collection of hints will
help you to work more smoothly and efficiently with your control surface/Logic system.

Customize your Template/Autoload Songs

Set up Screensets 1–7 to your liking. These can be accessed directly with some
control surfaces (on a Logic/Mackie Control—via Function Keys—F1 to F7. Function
Key 8 (F8) will close the top-most window).


It is recommended that a full-screen Arrange window, with Track Automation View
set to on, is among your Screensets.


A full-screen Track Mixer window is also recommended.

Make Use of Markers
Not much more can be said. Markers allow you to quickly navigate from location to
location in a project. Most control surfaces feature a number of shortcuts that allow
you to rapidly switch between Markers.

Markers are very useful for the creation/selection of Cycle areas and a number of other
tasks, such as Drop In and Replace.

If you tend to follow a particular song structure, or like to work with a particular
number of bars (4, 8, 16 bars, and so on) for verse and chorus sections, then set up a
number of Markers at suitable locations in your Template/Autoload songs.

Always use Projects
As soon as Logic is launched, and the desired Template or Autoload song is loaded, you
should routinely create a new project folder, and name it. This will provide a default
folder structure/file path that contains the song file and all audio files associated with
the project.

You can also choose to include plug-in Settings files, video files, Space Designer IR files
and EXS Instruments into your Project folder, if desired.

The button assigned to Save operations on your control surface will open the File Save
dialog. Once the project/song has been saved once, pressing the “Save” button will
incrementally save the project without launching the File Save dialog window.