Apple Power Macintosh 8200 User Manual
Page 154

online services and software updates,
obtaining 91–94
Open/Close button on CD-ROM drive
40, 60, 61, 85
opening the computer 132–133
Option key 142
Key Caps program and 143–144
parameter RAM 72
PC Exchange control panel 82, 83
PCI. See Peripheral Component
Interconnect (PCI) cards
performance decreases after adding
software, troubleshooting 90
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
cards 51, 131
Photo CDs 63, 89
pointer. See arrow pointer
AAUI Ethernet 40, 41
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) 7, 8,
41, 81
Audio input (on stereo speakers) 45
illustration 40–41
monitor 6, 41
SCSI 40, 41, 46, 49
sound input 40, 41, 42, 44
sound output 41, 42, 45
power button 10, 13, 23, 40, 70
power cords
checking connections 72
frayed 120
illustration 2, 3, 5
plugging in 3, 5
Power key
illustration 10, 40, 142
putting the computer to sleep 20, 142
restarting the computer 69, 142
starting the computer 10, 142
turning the computer off 21, 23, 142
Power Macintosh “native” application
programs 57–58
power-on light 13, 40
PowerPC microprocessor ix
power sockets 41
power supply 126, 134
power switch on monitor 9
PowerTalk program 53
PRAM. See parameter RAM
Previous System Folder 107, 109
printer port (GeoPort) 40, 41
printer problems 91
problems. See Apple-authorized service
providers; customer service;
error messages; troubleshooting
processor card, upgrading 131
programs. See application programs
Put Away command (File menu) 61, 85
question mark icon, troubleshooting
73–74, 102
quitting a program if you’re having
trouble 69
radio or television reception, interference
with vi, 122
RAM. See also memory
expanding 49–50
resetting parameter RAM 72
Read Me files 24, 54
read-only memory, defined 59
rebuilding the desktop 70–71, 76, 82
CD-ROM software 111–112
system software 102–111
repairing damaged disks 98–101
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 116
Restart command (Special menu) 69
restarting the computer 72, 142, 145
retainer for processor card 135, 138
Return key 142