AEM 30-2853 High Output Inductive Smart Coil User Manual
AEM For the car

This product is legal in California for racing vehicles only and should never be used on public highways.
Advanced Engine Management, 2205 126
Street Unit A Hawthorne, CA. 90250, Phone: (310) 484-2322
Instruction Part Number: 10-2853,
© 2011 Advanced Engine Management, Inc.
The model 30-2853 HO IGBT Coil is specially designed for racing applications and does not require a CDI or external
Igniter to function. This is a very high energy coil so you must take special attention to the quality of the connections.
Make sure to apply a liberal amount of dielectric grease to the connector terminals and the tip and body of the spark
plugs. Failure to do this may cause arcs to the cylinder head and cause a misfire.
The 30-2853 Kit Contains:
1 High Output IGBT Coil
1 Mating Connector & 6 Contacts
Output (no load):
40kV minimum
Output (50pF load):
40kV +/- 10%
Output Energy:
103 mJ +/- 7%
Peak Secondary Current:
102 mA +/- 10%
Arc Duration:
2.9mS +/- 10%
Turns Ratio
Maximum Current:
19 Amps
Maximum Battery Voltage:
17 Volts
Max Continuous Dwell:
9 mS but don’t exceed 40% duty cycle
Max Intermittent Dwell:
80% duty cycle, 5 seconds maximum
Mating Connector:
Packard/Delphi 12162825 “Pull to Seat”
Mating Contacts:
Packard/Delphi 12124075 “Pull to Seat”
High Tension Wire Terminal:
HEI “spark plug top” Style
A: Coil Trigger (0-5V signal)
B: Coil Trigger (Ref Ground)
C: Ground to Cylinder Head
D: Battery Ground
E: Battery Positive (Relay or switched ignition)
The contacts are “Pull to Seat” meaning you must feed the wire through the connector housing BEFORE you crimp on the
contacts. The wire is then pulled back into the housing and the contact locks in place. The contact cannot be inserted or
removed from the rear (wire side entry) of the housing
When setting the dwell the following guidelines should be used:
• Target a base dwell time of 3mS and only increase it when needed due to high cylinder pressures.
• The maximum individual coil dwell “ON” time must not exceed 9mS at any time, regardless of engine RPM.
Exceeding this time will cause the coil to overheat and fail.
• For continuous duty the maximum “ON” time must remain below 40% duty (on 40% of the time, off 60% of the
time). Exceeding this will cause the coil to overheat and fail.
• For short bursts, the coil dwell can go as high as 80% “ON” duty but these forays need to be short (under 5
seconds or so) and cannot be frequent.
For technical assistance, contact AEM Tech support at [email protected]