AEM 25-109BK High Volume Fuel Rail User Manual

Page 6

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e) Remove the old o-rings that are on top of the injectors. Coat the new o-rings, supplied with the kit,

with clean engine oil and install them onto the injectors.

f) Insert the o-ring end of the injectors into the AEM Fuel Rail.
g) Coat the seal rings with clean engine oil and then install them into the intake manifold.
h) Install the fuel rail/injector assembly back onto the vehicle. Make sure that all of the seals and o-

rings are properly seated, and installed without damage.


Install and tighten the fuel rail retainer nuts to 9lb-ft.


The location of your fuel pressure regulator on the AEM Fuel Rail will be different from the
location on the O.E. fuel rail. Remove the extension return tube and have the return hose that
comes from the firewall connect directly to the nipple on the regulator.

k) Install the fuel pressure regulator onto the AEM Fuel Rail. Make sure that the o-ring is properly

installed between the regulator and the fuel rail.


Connect the vacuum hose to the top of the fuel pressure regulator. Some installations require the
replacement of this hose with one that is longer.

m) Remove the injector harness from the plastic case. Re-route the harness behind the rail and re-

connect the harness to the injectors.

n) Install the fuel supply line to the AEM Fuel Rail.


Be sure that a crush washer is positioned on both sides of the banjo fitting.

ii) Torque the retaining nut to 12lb-ft.




iii) Make sure the plug on the end of the fuel rail is tight.

o) Install any remaining components that were removed during disassembly.

5) Final Assembly and Inspection

a) Connect the negative battery terminal.
b) Turn the ignition switch to the on position for approximately two seconds and then turn the ignition

switch to the off position. Do not operate the starter.


Repeat this procedure three times, and then check all components that were removed during
installation for any signs of fuel leakage.

ii) Check the area around the fuel inlet fitting, the –6 plug and the 1/8” NPT plug. If these

three items were not installed correctly then they may be prone to leak.

iii) If there are signs of leakage you MUST correct the leak before proceeding.

c) If there are no signs of leakage, then start engine and again check for leaks.
d) If there are no signs of leakage on your final inspection, then the installation is complete.

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