J.P. Instruments EDM 900 Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 19

For Your Safe Flight
Page 19
Scanner Displays
Scanner EGT and CHT Analog Bar Graph
The height of each column represents a EGT or CHT or TIT (if installed)
temperature. Note: when in certain modes, such as leaning or normalize,
the EGT resolution will temporarily be finer.
Cylinder Numbers and Index
Just below the bar graph columns are numbers identifying the respective
cylinder. If TIT is installed, it is labeled by the letter T underneath. A
square ‘Cylinder I.D. Index’ surrounding a number indicates what cylinder
is currently selected and relates to the digital display.
Scanner Digital Display
Located under the Scanner bar graph area is the alphanumeric display. It
displays alphanumeric values for different parameters as well as status
and alarm messages.
Normalize / Standard View
To toggle between Standard and the Normalize views, hold the LF button
for three seconds until the NRM icon toggles on or off. Note: Normalize
cannot be activated while in Lean Find mode.
Standard view
(when the NRM icon is not lit): the EGT top of the
columns represent absolute temperature.
Normalize view
(when the NRM icon is lighted): When you change
to the Normalize view, all EGT columns are initially normalized to the
mid-point for deviation trend analysis. Any changes are shown as an
increase or decrease relative to the mid-point, thus giving an
instantaneous indication that an EGT has deviated. You normally use
normalize in level cruise, but it is also useful during steady state run-
ups. Note: A common misapplication is to be in the Normalize view
and then change power setting. This causes all columns to go off
scale, high or low. Select Standard view before changing power or
Temperature Units (°F or °C)
The EDM can display engine temps in either °F or °C (Fahrenheit or
Celsius). In Primary configurations, this is set to the same units as the
configuration the aircraft was originally certified to.