Setting up the instrument (single shot mode), Setting up the instrument (burst mode), Stop the generator – BNC 745 User Manual
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Model 745 Digital Delay Generator.
November 2013
As soon as T1 is set to IN1, the front panel LED of T1 output will be on (In fact, it will blink at the
output pulse rate, in that case at INternal frequency 1=1000Hz) indicating that there is an output
signal on T1 connector.
With an oscilloscope you can check the channel T1.
Measurement should be:
Rectangular shape with repetitive frequency =1000 Hz, Amplitude= 4.0V, Width = 1.0 µs.
Setting up the instrument (Single shot mode)
The procedure explained before can be followed up to the trigger choice. 3 single shot modes
(external: SSEXT, internal: SS1 and SS2, asynchronous: LSS) can be set. Once the single shot trigger
mode is set, the user has to send a software command to trigger the single shot output pulse. To
send this software command, 3 ways are available:
• Via the front panel:
In the Trigger menu (item #16 of the general menu), by pressing the Ok button
If item #6 to 9 are displayed, by pressing the ESC button
• Via a telnet command, by sending the ‘RUN’ command to the device
• Via the web page, by pressing the ‘manual trigger’ button in the Trigger menu
Setting up the instrument (Burst Mode)
The aim is to set channel T1 in Burst mode to get:
• a 5V, 200ns width, 0ns delay pulse
• 100Hz IN1 trigger source
• Burst period 100000ns, pulse number = 10
First the user has to configure the F1 frequency to 100 Hz and then the Burst Mode itself. That is to
say, set in the Burst Mode menu (item# 15 in the main menu):
• Burst Trigger: IN1
• Burst Period: 100000
• Burst pulse number: 10
Once this has been done, the user has to set the width, delay and trigger source (BURST) in the T1
channel sub-menu.
The device will start to generate the requested pulse train.
Stop the generator
To stop the generation of that repetitive pulse, you have to set T1 trigger to OFF value. This will
switch off the corresponding LED.
With an oscilloscope you can check if the output signal is switch off.
© Berkeley Nucleonics Corp.
Model 745 User Manual