L.B. White Oval 80™ Radiant User Manual

Page 23

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B. Reading Pressure

1. With the heater operating, the pressure gauges should

read the pressures specified on the dataplate.

2. Do the readings at the inlet and outlet pressure gauges

agree with that specified on the dataplate? If so,

then no further checking or adjustment is required.

Proceed to section C.

3. If the inlet pressures do not agree with that specified

on the dataplate, then the regulator controlling gas

pressure to the heater requires adjustment.

4. If the inlet pressure is correct but the burner manifold

pressure does not agree with that specified on the

dataplate, then the pressure regulator internal to the

gas control requires adjustment. The burner box will

need to be opened and closed/latched as needed to

accurately set the gas control pressures.

5. Set the thermostat to its highest setting. The single

amber light on the burner box panel will come on, and

gas control will open. If manifold gas pessure is

different than the dataplate, remove the cap on the gas

control as shown in Fig. 36. Turn the pressure adjusting

screw beneath this cap clockwise to increase pressure

or counter clockwis to decrrease pressure, while the

heater is in operation.

FIG. 36

C. Completion

1. Close the fuel supply valve to the heater and allow the

heater to burn off any remaining fuel.

2. Disconnect the heater from its electrical supply.

3. Remove the gauges and associated hardware.

4. Install the plug in the gas control valve and in the


5. Tighten all securely. Install the cap on the gas control

valve. Close and latch the door. Reconnect the air inlet

to the burner box if necessary.

6. Remove the bushing and fitting from the sediment

trap’s tee. Install the sediment trap’s nipple and cap.


Open the fuel supply valve and reconnect electrical

supply to heater. Start the heater and check for gas

leaks. Set the thermostat to desired temperature.