BenQ PB6200 User Manual
Page 79

This document establishes the general workmanship standards and
functional acceptance criteria for PROJECTOR produced by BENQ.
The purpose of this publication is to define a procedure for inspection of
the PROJECTOR by means of a customer acceptance test, the method of
evaluation of defects and rules for specifying acceptance levels.
The "Customer Acceptance Criteria" is applicable to the inspection of the
PROJECTOR, completely packed and ready for dispatch to customers.
Unless otherwise specified, the customer acceptance inspection should
be conducted at manufacturer's site.
The "Customer Acceptance Criteria" is the document defining the
process of examining, testing or otherwise comparing the product with a
given set of specified technical, esthetic and workmanship requirements
leading to an evaluation of the "degree of fitness for use", including
possible personal injury or property damage for the use of the product.
The defects are grouped into the following classes:
5.1 Critical defect
A critical defect is a defect which judgment and experience indicate
that there is likely to result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for
individuals using product.
5.2 Major defect
A major defect is a defect, other than critical one, is likely to result in
failure, or to reduce materially the usability of the product for its
intended purpose.
5.3 Minor defect
A minor defect is a defect that is not likely to reduce materially the
usability of its intended purpose, or is a departure from established
standards having little bearing on the effective use of operation of
the product.