Burley Nomad User Manual
Page 9

Burley Nomad Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
Install Tongue
To fa cil i tate tongue in stal la tion, tip your Bur ley Nomad frame onto its back end. If
you are working on a rough or dirty sur face, lay down a cloth or other protective
barrier. Installing your Burley Nomad tongue involves four simple steps (see the
following illustrations):
1. Slide the tongue onto the piv ot pin at the left front.
2. Remove the hairpin cotter and lock pin from the front tongue re cep ta cle, rotate
the tongue up into place, and snap it into the two plastic tongue re cep ta cles.
3. Secure the tongue by push ing the lock pin fully into the front tongue re cep ta cle.
4. Rotate the lock pin and lo cate the hole in it which will be between the
re cep ta cle and the trailer frame. Anchor the lock pin by inserting the hair pin
cotter all the way into the hole in the lock pin.
Never operate trailer with out tongue lock pin and hairpin cotter
locked in place. Unlocked tongue can loosen or de tach and
cause ac ci dent re sult ing in serious injury.
1. Slide Tongue
onto Pivot Pin
2. Rotate Tongue into Place.
3. Secure Tongue
with Lock Pin
4. Anchor Lock Pin
with Hairpin Cotter
5. Lock Pin and Hairpin
cotter Locked in Place
(viewed from underside).