Iv. setting up and folding your burley nomad – Burley Nomad User Manual

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Burley Nomad Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual

IV. Setting Up and Folding Your Burley


Setting up or folding your Burley Nomad is ac com plished in a few easy steps
involving the side rails, the roll bar and cover, the tongue, and the safety fl ag.

Install Side Rails

Ensure that all four of the plas tic side-panel hold-downs (C-shaped) on the main
frame are fl ipped to the outside of the Burley Nomad (see illustration). Slide each
side rail down over the 2" tall alu mi num side rail guides at the front and rear of each
side of the main frame.

Take care that you put the prop er side panel assembly on each side, each with the
trademark “Burley” facing outward. Next, snap each side-panel assembly into place
with the plastic side-panel hold-downs at the front and rear of each side as shown
on next page. The large end of the side rails face forward.




The refl ector brackets mount on the outside of
each side panel, 2.5” up from the plastic connec-
tor on the side panel. The holes for the mounting
screws are covered by the fabric.

First, insert the screw into the refl ector bracket and
drive the Phillips-head self-tapping screws through
the fabric into the holes provided to mount the
bracket. (Don’t worry; this won’t harm the fabric.)
Then mount the red refl ectors onto the brack-
ets with the slotted-head, self-tapping refl ector
mounting screws. The bracket should be mounted
as shown in the illustrations.

