Burley Nomad User Manual
Page 8

Burley Nomad Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
Install Roll Bar and Cover
1. Locate the two roll-bar knobs in the hard ware bag, and the tonneau cover.
2. Lay the cover over the side rails so that it is right side out and oriented so the
end with “Burley” and “Nomad” is at the front of the trailer.
3. Next, slip one of the roll-bar knobs through one of the grom mets on the cov er.
Slide roll bar through the casing in the top of the mesh divider.
4. Align one end of the roll bar with its cor re spond ing hole on the side rail. Thread
the roll-bar knob through one side rail, and tighten it into the roll bar (see il lus -
tra tion below).
5. Sim i lar ly, thread the sec ond roll-bar knob through the oth er grom met on the
cover, align the roll bar with the hole in the other side rail, and screw this roll-bar
knob into the roll bar.
6. Care ful ly check that both roll-bar knobs are screwed tightly into the roll bar.
Complete the cover installation by pulling on one of the B-tabs and looping the rubber
O-ring on the trailer frame as shown below. Finish this for each of the three remaining
B-tab/O-rings. Additionally, ensure that the cover extends over the top of each side
panel (see illustration below).
Roll Bar Knob
Cover Grommet
Side Rail
Roll Bar
Trailer Frame