Liebherr Downloads User Manual
Page 8
Liebherr’s Air Cycle Air Conditioning Technology
Gives Proof of its Qualities
Liebherr-Transportation Systems’ cut-
ting-edge eco-friendly technology for air
conditioning of railway vehicles – the air
cycle air conditioning system – has prov-
en its outstanding performance in dai-
ly service. During the past seven years,
application in ICE 3 high speed trains
has demonstrated that this future-proof
technology derived from Liebherr’s
aerospace branch is superior to tradi-
tional vapor cycle air conditioning con-
cepts in terms of eco-friendliness, total
cost of ownership and enhanced pas-
senger comfort.
Liebherr's air cycle air conditioning tech-
nology features significantly reduced life
cycle costs compared to common vapor
cycle systems. Life cycle costs of tradition-
al air conditioning systems consist of sev-
eral items, the most significant ones be-
ing the direct maintenance on the system,
The Eco-Friendly Solution
for Air Conditioning in Trains
Liebherr’s air cycle air conditioning sys-
tem simply uses air as refrigerant to pro-
vide a comfortable climate for passen-
gers. The system operates with an open
loop process and draws the air required
for the cooling process from the environ-
ment. The air expands and thus cools.
Then the cool air runs through the heat
exchanger and is subsequently returned
to the ambience.
When developing the system, Liebherr
took advantage of its long-term expe-
rience in the aircraft industry: air cycle
air conditioning systems made by
Liebherr have been installed on board of
numerous aircraft.
The system for application in rail vehicles
complies with all common passenger
comfort requirements such as UIC 553,
EN13129 and EN14750, and – as a real
alternative to chemical refrigerants –
helps to reduce the greenhouse effect
according to worldwide HFC regulations.
As the system does not use any other re-
frigerant than air, there is no risk of refrig-
erant leakage and the compliance with
any future legislation regarding refriger-
ants in air conditioning systems is abso-
lute and unlimited.
unscheduled vehicle downtime due to
system failure, spare part administration
and power consumption. Additional oper-
ating costs related to the refrigerant circuit
such as refrigerant handling and disposal,
retrofit of refrigerant in order to comply
with future regulations, or refrigerant emp-
tying / refilling times also contribute to the
high life cycle costs of traditional techno-
logies, increasing the attractiveness of the
air cycle technology.
Fresh Air
Return Air
Return Air
Fresh Air
Fresh Process Air
Process Air
Supply Air
Supply Air
Heat Exchanger
Transportation Systems