Liebherr Downloads User Manual

Page 30

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The Liebherr Group Grew Considerably
in the Business Year 2011

The Liebherr Group was able to increa-
se its turnover in the 2011 financial year
by 747.0 million euros or 9.8 % to 8,334.0
million euros. Once again, almost all the
Group’s divisions contributed to this
growth. Turnover from construction ma-
chinery and mining equipment recorded
an above-average increase. In these pro-
duct lines Liebherr boosted turnover by
642.4 million euros or 13.5 % to a total
of 5,386.6 million euros. The proporti-
on of the Group’s total turnover accoun-
ted for by these areas rose from 62.5 %
to 64.6 %.

In the earthmoving division, the Group
was able to increase its turnover by 448.6
million euros or 27.9 % to 2,058.8 mil-
lion euros. In the mining division, sales

revenues were boosted by 209.5 milli-
on euros or 26.1 % to 1,012.0 million
euros. Following an upturn in 2010,

turnover in the mobile crane division fell
slightly by 73.2 million euros or 4.0 % to
1,738.6 million euros. Liebherr’s overall

Liebherr Group News