Liebherr Downloads User Manual

Page 25

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Liebherr-Aerospace Selected for Bombardier’s
Global 7000 and Global 8000 Aircraft Programs

Liebherr-Aerospace has been awarded
the contract to supply the integrated air
management system for Bombardier’s

newest members of the Global* air-
craft family, the Global 7000* and the
Global 8000* ultra long-range jets. This
system comprises the bleed air system,
the airframe ice protection system, the
air conditioning system and the cabin
pressure control system, and features
lightweight, high reliability pneumatic
and mechanical components with in-
tegrated controls. It will be developed,
qualified and manufactured in Tou-
louse (France) by Liebherr-Aerospace
Toulouse SAS, Liebherr’s center of ex-
cellence for aero space air management
systems. Bombardier will thus again
benefit from Liebherr’s unmatched

experience in integrated air manage-
ment systems for business aviation.

Liebherr also supplies integrated air
management systems for the other air-
craft of the Global family, the Global
5000* and the Global 6000* jets, as
well as for several other of Bombardier’s
commercial and business aircraft. The
award of the Global 7000 and Global
8000 aircraft integrated air management
system is another milestone in the 20
years of Bombardier’s and Liebherr’s
business relationship.

* Trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries

Liebherr-Aerospace Contributes with
Three Product Lines to the AW189

The AW189 is an 8-ton class multi-role
rotorcraft designed and produced by
AgustaWestland. It is capable of meet-
ing the requirements of challenging op-
erations such as off-shore, corporate and
VIP transport.

With its three product lines − air man-
agement systems, flight control / actua-
tion systems and landing gear systems
− Liebherr-Aerospace is a major supplier
to the AW189. From its air management
system product line Liebherr delivers the
cabin air conditioning system which fea-
tures a vapor cycle system. Two electri-
cally driven compressors developed and
manufactured by Liebherr are installed
in the engine compartment and power
a two-zone cabin and cockpit air cool-
ing system. In cold conditions either the
heating system fed by air bled on the en-
gines or the auxiliary power unit (APU)
provides passengers with warm air.

Liebherr-Aerospace supplies all compo-
nents of the system, including heat ex-
changers, valves, controller and cockpit

panel. The AW189 cabin
and cockpit air distribu-
tion, composed of ducts,
valves, fans, diffusers and
gaspers, is also provided
by Liebherr.

From its flight control ac-
tuation system product
line Liebherr supplies a
complete fly-by-wire ac-
tuation for main and tail rotors of the
AW189. These actuators are hydraulical-
ly powered.

Liebherr also delivers the complete
landing gear system of the AW189.
It includes everything from the con-
trol panel, whose lever is installed in
the cockpit, down to the wheels and
brakes installed on the retractable
landing gear legs. Moreover, Liebherr
is responsible for the landing gear ex-
tension and retraction system with ac-
tuators and hydraulic valves as well as
position switches. One key character-
istic of this landing gear is its crash

worthiness that allows an exceptional
landing sinking speed.

The order for the AW189 systems is
another milestone in Liebherr-Aerospace’s
highly successful cooperation with the
rotorcraft manufacturer, which started
more than ten years ago with the landing
gear and the air conditioning system for
the AW139. Since then AgustaWestland
and Liebherr have steadily intensified their
collaboration. Today Liebherr-Aerospace
is proud to supply all of AgustaWestland’s
latest platforms, and intents to further de-
velop this valuable relationship.

© Image provided courtesy of Bombardier Inc.

© AgustaWestland
